Front End Developer

I'm Front End Web Developer based in Wrocław, Poland.

I'm inspired by change and I believe programming is the
most changing business there is.


These are the skills I have been studying along with the time it took me.

I have spent hundreds of hours learning mainly JavaScript along with HTML and CSS. Thanks to that commitment I believe I will bring a lot to the table if we ever met business-wise.


I am currently working on a more advanced project in React. These are projects I have already done.

My website

It's a good example of skills I've aquired so far. Among others you can see here sliders, sticky nav, objects loading on intersection and much more!

Todo list

It's a simple React application for a learning purposes coded along with a youtube teacher Kyle from Web Dev Simplified

simple API

Built with Node.js using ExpressJS. I was also using Insomnia as a software for checking requests and responses.


Feel free to contact me using these means.

Chuck Norris' Wisdom